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New sites & apps for 02/14/2025

Pagan Dating Dating site with members who follow Wicca, Druidry / Druidism, Asatru / Heathenism, Eclectic. Join a community for all pagan including Goddess Spirituality and Eco-paganism.

Casual Dating Meet people to date and hook-up with casually. Keep things light-hearted and have a good time with no strings attached. Casual dating is the perfect opportunity to break out of your usual mould and explore other kinds of people you might be attracted to.

Atheist Personals Find and date other Atheist singles on our website

Wanting Marriage Online Dating at Wanting Marriage is dedicated to people who want to get married. Helping you find the love of your life

Scandinavian Dating Meet singles with origins of Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Iceland, and Sweden. Nordic girls are beautiful , sensuous, sexy and intelligent. Meet them today!

PositiveSingles The most trusted online dating site for people with Herpes, HPV, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B, Hep C, Chlamydia, or any STD.